Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Raghu Rai looks at a few of my photographs

At first I showed Raghu Rai a couple of prints that I had done by a printer he had recommended to me. He found them too bright .. he prefers prints with more density. I saw his point and mentioned I was trying to reveal the luminosity of my subject.

He looked through my Taj Mahal photographs and pointed out that close-up photos of for instance someone's sari hanging over their shoes said little about the Taj Mahal itself. Similarly, photographs of the fountains looked much better if the Taj was reflected in the water around them; otherwise, the images tend to become slightly meaningless abstracts.

Later photos do include the Taj Mahal in the background and manage to say more as a result.

He suggests sitting on the platform of the Taj Mahal and photographing people with the Taj as a background! A practical piece of advice!

I was a little hesitant at showing him the deliberately photoshopped Taj Mahal photos. He liked the one of birds but felt the more general views of birds on the lawn at the Taj needed to  be seen first as a kind of introduction to the close ups.

Was glad to see that he was amused by some of my photoshopped Taj Mahal photos of towers morphed into birds ... !!

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